
A story of operating both Akka Streams Kafka and Kafka Streams

In 2016, Chat Work rolled out a chat messaging microservice that adopted Akka HTTP and Akka Streams as the base, as well as Kafka Streams for Kafka event processing. In 2017, we are developing a Webhook microservice also using Akka HTTP and Akka Streams as the base, but we’ve opted for Akka Streams Kafka (formerly known as Reactive Kafka) to process Kafka events.

This is going to be a story about these two Kafka processing libraries, both operational in Chat Work. What are the differences? When should you use one over the other?

Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Intermediate: Requires a basic knowledge of the area
Who is your session intended to
People interested in both Akka and Kafka
People interested in Fast Data processing that's Reactive
awekuit and Tomoyoshi Ogura (Chat Work, Inc)

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