
Run your aggregation queries at a speed of 14x without spending $$$

Analytical queries that involve full table scan are part of every report. The aggregations in the query make it so slow that it’s impossible to get the results in real time. Is the best way to invest in infrastructure and technologies that are both expensive and complex or is there a better way? Fortunately, pre-aggregation works and the concept is applicable to both batch and streaming data. In this talk we discuss how we have solved the above problem using a simple and effective solution of pre-aggregate tables and delve into pre-aggregation techniques to get highly performant responses.

Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Intermediate: Requires a basic knowledge of the area
Who is your session intended to
People who would like to build high throughput streaming analysis pipelines.
Bhavya Aggarwal (CTO, Knoldus Software LLP)

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