Lessons learned from operating a Scala-based system for 3 years
It’s been three years since the official rollout of Mackerel, a service that my team at Hatena builds using Scala on the server-side.
Here are some of the things that happened while we operated the system for three years.
Tracking version upgrades of frameworks and libraries that we use.
Deprecating some of the provided features, and subsequent removal of the source code.
Tackling technical debts.
Expanding hardware infrastructure following the system growth.
In this session, I would like to share how we tackled these problems and the lessons learned through operating Scala-based production system Mackerel for three years.
Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Intermediate: Requires a basic knowledge of the area
Who is your session intended to
Those interested in Scala-based production systems
Those thinking about creating a new system in Scala
Those interested in operating a homegrown system
Daisuke Kasuya (daiksy)
(Hatena, Inc. Mackerel team)