Mutation testing, finally a good test quality measurement ?
We all write tests (really?), but how to know if our tests are useful ?
High number of tests ? Wrong, a lot of tests does not guarantee a working well application.
High code coverage ? Wrong again, better but still not enough
What we really need is to see if our tests are really able to catch problems (in TDD the tests must fail before succeed to be sure they tests something).
So, let me present you: mutation testing !
This technique will alter your code, run the tests and expect them to fail. If not, you have missed something in your tests.
In this talk I will present more in detail the mutation testing technique, explain how to set it up for a scala project and show some results on a real project.
Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Beginner: No need to have prior knowledge
Who is your session intended to
People who want to improve testing their scala code