
Catalyzing Blockchain with power of Functional Programming

Blockchain is a must-have new shiny toy this holiday season.Enterprises are actively getting involved in building their own takes on Ethereum & Hyperledger.A big part of the hassle is the enormous code one writes without the benefits of a modern functional language.What if we could use Scala to write concise, reusable code & develop a modular blockchain that can be customised as the system grew? This talk will explain the beauty of Scala as a functional programming language to construct effective Blockchains using Scorex 2.It would compare and contrast the code with Hyperledger and Ethereum.

Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Intermediate: Requires a basic knowledge of the area
Who is your session intended to
People who want to understand blockchain technology
Blockchain enthusiasts who want to develop blockchain applications in Scala
Prabhat Kashyap (Software Consultant , Knoldus Software LLP)

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