
Introduction to compile time DI

Play Framework uses Google Guice as its default even though it supports both JSR330 compatible runtime DI and compile time DI. However, I often feel like I’m writing Java code due to the many annotations such as @Inject and @Singletation.
An earlier project I worked on ended up becoming huge, which made it quite difficult to test. In this session, I will discuss the merits of compile time DI using MacWire, compare it with DI using Guice and describe its implementation. I love typesafe!

Session length
10 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Beginner: No need to have prior knowledge
Who is your session intended to
People who are typesafe
People who have doubts about or feel dissatisfied with DI using Guice
Tomoyuki Shimomura (Septeni Original,Inc.)

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