
Let Scala handle it: Syntactic analysis of cafebabepy, a Python implementation on JVM

I am currently making a Python implementation on JVM called cafebabepy, using Java. It’s still a work in progress, really. For the REPL (read–eval–print loop), I’ve let Scala’s parser combinator handle the syntactic analysis of cafebabepy. In this talk, I will explain the overview of cafebabepy and practical syntactic analysis with the parser combinator library using the cafebabepy implementation as an example. Hopefully I can demonstrate how easy it is to use the parser combinators.

Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Beginner: No need to have prior knowledge
Who is your session intended to
Those interested in language implementations
Those interested in Python
Those considering adopting the parser combinator in Scala
Yotchang (F-CODE, Inc.)

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